16 November, 2015

Paris attacks: World need to wake-up.

The unfortunate attack on Paris on Friday 13 November 2015 that killed over 129 people in Paris should act as an alarm to wake up for western nations as it is very clear now that no western nation can claim immunity from so called ‘Islamic state’. It seems western nations are not aware of their vulnerability. Paris Friday attack was very similar to what happened in Mumbai on November 26, 2008 when 10 heavily armed Pakistani Islamic militants attacked public places and killed. France or for that matter any western nation had not imagined that this can happen with them too. It seems Western nations are also not aware of their own vulnerability to an ideology that has led to the recruitment of their own people to be used for these terror attack. These attacks are not standalone incidences of terror but well coordinated and planned acts of terror executed in a very professional manner.
 At this point what appears is that world community be it a Muslim and non-Muslim country has no answer on how to deal with this ‘Islamic state’. There seems to be no solutions with western nations except airstrikes. They do not want to sacrifice military lives to stop ‘Islamic state’ and not willing to commit ground troops. They only have plans that have obviously failed in the past and will fail in the future.    
The obvious objective of ‘Islamic state’ is to isolate Muslims in their own countries and let the countries vulnerable to terrorist attacks increase internal security. That will result into militarization of the society where police spy their own people arrest and detain individuals without probable cause. This will make people feel unsafe - be it a Muslim or a non Muslim. France will cease to be France to prevent these attacks. If this is the road any nation takes to fight ‘Islamic state’ they will for sure handover another victory to this so called ‘Islamic state’. These terrorist have again proven that they have the power to give a blow to these nations and bend nations to their will.

It is also very clear that Muslims are not only the victims they too need take efforts and clean their own house. But this cannot be done by isolating Muslims. Muslims and non-Muslims need each other in this swelling war. Muslims need to actively educate their youth and this is needed not only in western countries but also in Muslim countries, Asian and African countries. There is an urgent need to stop ‘Islamic state’ create a new generation of militants. The western countries just cannot afford to have a very aggressive approach by having very strict border control, very heavy airport security, heavily armed police and a very strong spy network. This will only create a illusion of safety. Especially in the United States where firearms are easily accessible. Involving Muslims at the local level and involving Muslim countries. Political reforms, reduction of poverty, education are few urgent needs of many Arab nations. This problem also needs military force and the potential for loss of life at the ground by western nations. One generation of arab nations already blame western nations for their own failures but we must not lose hope in the next generation.

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